Rodents are just as much of a problem as insects yet some homeowners assume rodents will simply find their way out of the home the same way they found their way in. If you are even slightly suspicious rodents are in your home, do the smart thing by contacting our rodent and pest control experts for professional assistance. Wait too long or take no action at all and it is only a matter of time until you end up with considerable damage to your home. The longer you wait to ask for assistance, the more costly damage will be inflicted.
Rodents Cause Electrical Damage
Mice, rats and other rodents will chew right through wires, cords, insulation and just about everything else they find. A rodent could easily spark a fire while chewing through a cord. Though few know it, rodents will gnaw their way through electrical panels that control the home’s many different electrical functions.
Rodents Cause Structural Damage
Did you know one rat or mouse can chew through your home’s wood, furniture, wiring and more? Rodents are a legitimate structural threat as they gnaw at just about anything. There is no sense paying through the nose for a costly home repair, new furniture or other expenses related to rodent damage to the structure of your home when you can nip the problem in the bud right away with professional pest extermination.
A Threat to Your Home’s Essential Systems
Rodents are mischievous miscreants willing to travel directly through a home’s air conditioning system. Mice, rats and other rodents are not afraid of ductwork just because it is a cramped space. These small animals can live inside air returns, eat away at the actual air duct itself and create nests within the systems. This damage can completely destroy the equipment, preventing your home’s essential systems from functioning as they are supposed to. This means a rat, mouse or other rodent could cause damage to your home’s HVAC systems to the point that the systems do not heat and cool your living space. Add in the fact that the presence of rodents in the air ducts will lead to contaminated air and you have even more reason to have the professionals proactively address your rodent problem right away.
Damage to Pipes and Framing
Most people assume rodents such as rats and mice are on the prowl for smaller animals, insects and crumbs from human food. Ignore the signs of rodents in your home and you might end up with damaged framing. Rodents are willing to gnaw through hard items such as pipes and framing that constitute the “guts” of a home. Rats and mice gnaw away at home framing to reach other areas such as the basement, attic and other spaces that are that much more comfortable. This means your home’s floor joists, roof trusses, headers and studs are in jeopardy if you let rodents wreak havoc. In fact, rodents will even gnaw away at your home’s pipes, jeopardizing the functionality of your shower, dishwasher, toilet, sinks and bath.
Contact Texas A-1 Pest Control
Do you suspect or know a rodent is in your home? If so, our team is here to eliminate those intruders on the double. Give us a call today at (713) 464-5219 to find out more about our pest control experts and schedule service.
Texas A-1 Pest Control
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