

Houston Area Rodent Control, Extermination, & Removal

Rodents are particularly pesky pests to deal with. Not only are they an incredible inconvenience, but their presence in your home is also hazardous to your health and well-being. They can gain entry into your home by squeezing into the smallest of holes, and while you may be tempted to attempt a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) rodent removal project, you will likely find that your problem is not truly eradicated. We often find that our customers may have treated some of the rodents found in their homes, but they will not have found all of them nor the source in which these rodents are gaining access to their home; all of which is incredibly important in properly treating a rodent infestation. You need to first and foremost ensure that no more rodents can enter your place. At which point, you can then focus on getting rid of those that are already in your home. 
Rodent pest control Houston
Rodent and mice pest control Houston


Signs of Mice & Rats in Your Home 

If you suspect that you may have mice or rats in your home, look for any of the following most common signs of a rodent infestation: 

Rodent Droppings

Rodent droppings resemble small, dark grains of rice, and can indicate the type of rodent infestation you are experiencing in your home, be that mice or rats. Rat droppings tend to be slightly larger, ranging from half of an inch to three-quarters of an inch long. Mice droppings, on the other hand, are only about an eighth of an inch to at most a quarter of an inch long.

Scurrying Noises

Rodent droppings resemble small, dark grains of rice, and can indicate the type of rodent infestation you are experiencing in your home, be that mice or rats. Rat droppings tend to be slightly larger, ranging from half of an inch to three-quarters of an inch long. Mice droppings, on the other hand, are only about an eighth of an inch to at most a quarter of an inch long.

Urine Odors

If you have recently noticed a musty, urine odor in your home and cannot seem to find the source, the likely culprit is rodents. They can leave their smell throughout the entire house and in your walls, though cabinets and pantries are typically where the smell is the strongest.

Rub Marks

Oil from a rodent’s sebaceous gland often accumulates on their fur, which in turn leaves dark marks in areas where they are repeatedly scurrying along or squeezing themselves into, which we call a rub mark. The more a rodent rubs against something, or the greater the number of rodents doing so, the darker the rub mark will be. If you are able to smear the rub mark, that means they are fresh and you have a rodent infestation on your hands.

Gnaw Marks

Gnaw marks are another sign of a rodent infestation in your home. Rodents tend to chew through a large variety of materials in order to gain better access to certain areas of your house in the search of food and water or to get into various food packagings so they can eat. They will also gnaw on wood such as baseboards and shelves in order to keep their teeth sharp. Look for extremely small, uneven bite marks, including on wires that connect your electrical equipment to outlets, as mice and rats are known to chew on those as well.

Mice and rodent control Houston

Call the Rodent Control Experts Today! 

Our experts have decades of experience eliminating pest problems throughout the Houston, Missouri City, Sugar Land, and Katy area. Call the experts at Texas A-1 Pest Control today and learn more about how we can rid your home of mice and rats!

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